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Would you mind sharing your knowledge for this case..

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I am a locksmith and currently learning and try to understand everything related to transponder key programming. I live in Indonesia. :)


So,i just read a friend's thread who is a local supplier trying to sell that carbon chip in which he states as 4C,4D and G Chip. I believe they are for Toyota,one of most common car's brands can be found here. He try to sell those chips packed completely with their key-shell..just don't know for what price as i don't ask him.


As far as my concern,this guy doesn't really have any knowledge or experience in key programming. He is a merchant/trader. He not even practicing as a locksmith although he might know something about lock and key.


My question is ; if those chips and their key-shell purchased by any locksmitth here in my country,will they then be able programming any of them to Toyota cars with any key programmers like SKP or T-code perhaps?


Thanks in advanced.

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4C = Texas (Ti) Fixed code carbon transponder, data can not be changed.

(Consists of 4 byte TIRIS)


4D = Texas (Ti) Crypto 40bit carbon transponder (DST) 4 pages of data, page 3 always locked.

(This transponder can be modified for all ID60 family with the exception of 4E (ID64)


G = Texas (Ti) Crypto Plus 80bit carbon transponder (DST+) 13 pages of data, page 3 always locked.


Page 3 consists of 3 bytes Serial and 1 byte Manufacture Code.

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I don't really know whether they have differen system or what @locksafe. But you might be right there as few weeks ago when i was reading an introduction to EZFlasher at mike hyde site,although the tool is designed to do flash on Toyota/Honda i also found a note saying that the tool is for North America Vehicles Only. Not to mention the fact that most programmers (except for AD perhaps) were made in accordance to cars marketed in US,North America and Europe..so you might be right there my friend.

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