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have any of you that use KD200 successfully programmed a KD200 remote to a BMW such as E46 3 series? i've tried several times & it just doesn't work but the normal diamond key programmes to the remote locking straight away.


I've spoken to Advanced Keys & they gave me a slightly different manual procedure where you press & hold unlock then press lock 8 to 10 times. This hasn't worked neither so now i'm stumped. Oh & i do have the up to date software on KD200





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As already said,


Just press the button a few more times than normal when synchronising and everything works fine.



Did new Key Diy remote keys for a BMW X3, a BMW Z4 and a BMW 330 in the past week, all worked with no problems.

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I had a problem with the BMW software a while ago,



Updated the firmware and software, since then it has worked ok.



Kim @ AK also said no problem to reimburse the tokens I messed up in the process before I realised what the problem was.

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Ok thanks. I've tried 3 now with no success. Updated to latest software yesterday. Will speak to her about tokens because I'm also having an issue with kd200 programmed to Audi 4d0837231k remotes. Basically when car has been sat for a few hours they're having to press unlock button 4 times to get it to unlock car.


I've had about 8 with same issue. Some have asked for money back

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I do realise that the whole purpose of simulating 1st should prevent any loss of tokens.


However, the BMW software had a bug and when you simulated it, the remote no longer transmitted a signal.



Simulated and it failed, locked it with 50 tokens and it still failed to transmit a signal.


Thought remote must be faulty, simulated another and it failed, locked it with another 50 tokens and it still would not transmit.



Contacted Kim @ AK who said there was a bug in the BMW software and to download the updates which sorted the problem.

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Hi Yes I suffered the same issue with the BMW remotes early doors.


My comments were only general, in that in the ideal world you would use simulate. I'm probable the worlds worst at that though, don't know how many times i've bent my keys when the instructions say use a 'Flat Blade screwdriver' :oops:

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oh & another thing! i've seen Audi 8P remotes are now available with KD200, according to my software they use 200 tokens to produce, which in my eyes is a ridiculous amount of tokens.


Now the thing that's confusing me is that someone else i know who uses KD200 & installed the latest software the same day as me has said his only uses 100 tokens & has sent me a screen shot of it from his laptop!


I've emailed Kim at Adv Keys asking if she can explain it so just waiting for a reply! I'm not particularly impressed that my software is going to use 200 tokens. Especially with how many i've already had wasted on BMW & Audi K remotes

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Which version are you using?


I was using the 2013 Online software but had to change to the KD900 software to get the 8P0 updates.


It now has 100 tokens on my software (£10), it was changed from 200 (£20).


50 tokens would be more reasonable in my opinion though (£5).

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I'm running latest software, and it is 100 tokens for the Audi 8P. Download is available from www.keydiyuk.com


Compared to the other options available, Dealer (£115+vat) or AKK218 (£70+vat) but currently out of stock, I see this addition a much needed bonus.


Already tried & tested this one also, did a 2012 Audi TT.

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What software version does it show in the bottom of the screen?


It needs to be or if you have 200 tokens showing it you will be running or lower. If thats the case, click the online update version on top left of screen.

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updated software & now the BMW works. Press & hold unlock then press lock 5x


It's still odd how i updated at roughly the same time as someone else on Friday yet his said 100 tokens for the 8p & mine said 200! Anyways that's all sorted now as well

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