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Ok following on from another post, I have tried updating my machine a few times using different methods.


I have tried manually and using the download tool, still no joy I am getting error code either 56 or 66 when I try using it.


I bought the machine about 12 months ago but I have been ill & off work for 11 months so I haven't used it, is it possible it may be a hardware problem as I have read about another 884 with this problem. Or am I doing something really stupid #-o


Manually I am getting the file list and starting from the top drag & dropping 1st file into 884 folder after it has loaded the machine reboots and says clearing memory , then when my pc shows the 884 icon again I drag & drop the 2nd file & so on.


At the end once its all finished I turn my machine of unplug from pc, turn it back on asll good until I try doing a key.


Please help before I get my hammer out :twisted:



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dave Email me your details & send me an email address you can be contacted on & I'll send it to the right person at keyline to sort out your problem.


They will ask you to download a program called team viewer which gives them access to your computer & then sort out the update remotely at a pre-arranged time. don't stress about team viewer Keyline have used it to update my machine once & also Pete from lockdecoders used it once on my computer I seam to remember. You can delete it as soon as the updates done if your worried about it on your computer.


send me your details to admin@shoerepairer.info & I will let keyline know.



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Key line emailed me, said they where going to contact you. Did you sort it?


For future ref, you have to unzip the files before doing the update on the machine, key line think this was probably the problem in this instance.



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Hi Lee,


Thank you very much for your help, I have also thanked Keyline, cracking service & support.


The 1st time they did it, it was no different but then they waved there magic wand a 2nd time and it seems to have cracked it. I haven't tried on any cars yet but seems ok on the bench with old keys.





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