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Thanks for the Feedback on which Engraving Machine to Purchase, took position of the Universal 350 great machine and working flat out, especially Glass, Feedback from the Forum excellent


One question if anyone can help.


On the front of Cups Diamond Drag 120deg cutter seems to engrave quite fine which looks a little lost , is there a larger Diamond tip cutter to use or a particular style font that suits cup fronts best without using an infil design, some of the Annual Cups that come in seem to have a nice wide single line cut.


Any advice will be much appreciated.



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.....annual entries, these are normally a single line font, if its coming out a bit light you need more pressure on the fixed diamond (non feather touch)


a great tool i always use for extra pressure is my index finger on top of the diamond


on a side note:


putting the title on a cup face/tankard etc. you defo need a multiline font


infill takes far too long for my liking


something like times engraving on my little gem has 3 lines and zaph chancery has 5 or 6 lines in the thickest part of letters


rule of thumb, the larger the letters the more lines you need

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It does my head in having to engrave old cups and shields in a one line font to match the previous years, as it looks cack.


Whenever I sell a new trophy I always start the engraving off in a nicer font that 'Panto Pete' down the road wont be able to match.

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Same here Dean

Panto Pete :lol: :lol:


Good choice of machine stevo I've added you to the list of Vistool owners.






key cabin


x minit uk


fast fix elgin



forest cobbler









and markyboy101077



The club's growing well.

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