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corel draw

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hi all need a bit of help

just got myself a sand blasting set up with stencil developer and was wondering if anyone can

explain how to convert using corel draw a picture (black and white lined drawing) into a black back ground with white image. so then i can develop in to a mask to engrave, any help would be welcome.

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No need to be as complicated as that Peter for sandblasting.

If the image is Black and White and a good image quality, just invert the colours like this:-


Effects drop down menu - Transform - Invert.


This will turn the colours the other way round. Then re-size, print on your film, then pop in the lightbox.



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thanks kev did'nt relise it was that simple.


next question text on an arc ive been sitting here clicking everything and cant seem to master it!!


text and fit text to path




Would add, the version I use you draw the circle, type the text then click on text - fit text to path, then you just click on the circle and some more text options will appear

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thanks guys will have a play


Thats the best way Matt - I have never read a software manual or ever had more than a half days training, I self taught myself by playing around with it. Don't be scared of trying something - the software can always be restarted if you mess up so bad you get screen freeze! Good luck

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