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You need at least a couple for EVERY car you can do.


Stock only 'the top ten' and the first customer will want something different.... and walk off with their money still in their pocket when you cannot supply it....


....and that remote you bought ten months ago on spec and havn't used.... well, you will get two customers want the same one within hours of each other (and all the suppliers will be out of stock!). ](*,)

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far enough, but there must be some must haves out there, I ain't running before I can walk. Ford remotes are going to be more popular than most surely? so there must be a top 10/20 that are the staple diet?


Thanks to all those who've helped me out on the various topics I've started, both via replies, PM's emails & phone calls. although not out of the starting blocks yet I'm still quite happy about it all & am getting the back up in place for those early jobs when experience will be lacking!



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Lee login to our website and use the top selling feature. Click on Remotes on the left side of the site and automatically the site shows the top selling remotes for the UK. This is based on UK sales. If you want to see more than just the top 15 in the bottom courner you can press ALL. Hope this helps but this is based on ALL companies that buy from us so it is very accreate.


Any problems email me direct on dan.sanderson@3dgroupuk.com


Also I would like to add if anyone that buys from us has any imput on how to make life easier or better for the buyer/yourselves please fill in our 'have your say' on our website after you login. We are trying day after day to give the best service possible and if in anyway we can improve please either do this or again email me direct on and I will pass this on to the relavant people.



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Lee login to our website and use the top selling feature. Click on Remotes on the left side of the site and automatically the site shows the top selling remotes for the UK. This is based on UK sales. If you want to see more than just the top 15 in the bottom courner you can press ALL. Hope this helps but this is based on ALL companies that buy from us so it is very accreate.


Any problems email me direct on dan.sanderson@3dgroupuk.com


Also I would like to add if anyone that buys from us has any imput on how to make life easier or better for the buyer/yourselves please fill in our 'have your say' on our website after you login. We are trying day after day to give the best service possible and if in anyway we can improve please either do this or again email me direct on and I will pass this on to the relavant people.




Lee use dans wesite as a bible and you wont go far wrong his company is my only supplier that i could say is nearly perfect service is second to none.if what you want is not on his site or you need a different version like i needed a older style chip during the week not on his site i just placed order on line added a note on the bottom about what i wanted knowing that if it was possible they would send it. thought no more about it untill next day when Kerry from his office called me to see if the chips they sent out was what i needed and they were spot on and thats what i call service.



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