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Team Clothing

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Hi guys,

I'm drifting off topic a bit here, but desperation is setting in!

I'm trying to locate a supplier of clothing for a sports club I'm a member of.


We currently have T shirts & fleece jackets with our club badge embroidered on them.

What we want now is to source a company who can manufacture garments to our chosen colour scheme. (We haven't finalised the colours yet, but expect sleeves to be one colour & body at least 2 other colours)


Despite extensive google searching we've had no luck.

Anybody got any ideas??

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I once had a few garments made to my spec by a company that makes industrial clothing (aprons tee-shits polo shits overalls etc) got the job done but had to pay 6 times the normal price. I have difficulty in remembering the name but I am guessing it was Nicholson, no longer in the same location so cant check for you. If you have no luck in the next 2 weeks send me a PM and I will ask my contacts.

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