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I saw this thread earlier today and tried to find it for you with no luck. Just now, I stumbled across the DOM brochure and checked out their list of subsidiaries (what a life). By pure chance, I saw a product page for a eurocylinder from MCM showing off their SCX range... then it clicked. I was sure your photo had SCX on the blade when I searched for it before, and sure enough it's there! I compared the profiles, seems to be a match to me.

Your key in that photo looks like some Chinese knockoff but the identification on it seems legit how MCM mark their genuine keys. Nonetheless, the lock itself should be made by MCM.

Long story short, give Silca MC15R or MC26R a shot.


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Excellent find!! These SCX keys are distributed via a UK door manufacturer, they can be obtained via the respective dealers, who sold the door to the end-user. I have never yet succeeded with getting a key via that route, and I had more or less given up on these.

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