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Shoe Repairer Forum

Shoe repair website wanted

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hope all are good I am after a shoe repair website that is properly coded by way of HTML CSS and Javascript.

not Wordpress or wix etc


i am about to code one I got my own domains but if there is someone who got one and it’s done up but they are not running it and have no time for it I will buy it for the correct price.

 Thank you 

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I wanted to know if you have managed to find a website. My company specialises in building websites for all kinds of business, we have actually just completed a website for a shoe markers and sellers in Nottingham. This is used to sell there new shoes as well as allowing customers to pay For and post there repairs to the store to have them fixed and sent back, which customers love. 

If you want to know more about what we offer or simply would like some advice, please get in touch.

P.S - We don’t just do basic Wordpress stuff like some, we have the ability to code and build anything you need from your online platform. You imagine it, we make it happen. 

warm regards,

Connor (E-worx)

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