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1995 Mack Truck CS300P ( France ) - Key Blank(s) ??

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Howdy Folks,


Another locksmith over here on keypro.com  is trying to find out what key blank(s) is  / are used on a 1995 CS300P Mack Truck, French made,


the double sided blank he found that was similar, is an Ilco F1098JD, but does not work, (probably to short)


i know some early ones used  Citron keys for the doors and some also used Renault keys,


a close one in the Silca Heavy Truck that is similar in dimension is YM15P and or JMA's  TP00ME-HM.P1 both being a longer distance between shoulder and key head


Any help would be appreciated in determining the proper blanks


Thanking You In Advance






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Howdy Folks,


it turns out the key code is 14607 which is a common code and used on many different heavy equipment ignition locks,




I do not know if they are all the same for these trucks as in a fleet keyed situation,


in Instacode the code falls under  J.C.B. and  Merit,


the key blank used here is Ilco 1642, Silca MRT1R,


hope this helps someone down the road

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