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Stainless steel awards

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We have a customer who would like some stainless steel awards made to the attached design. 


He would like one that is 295mm high by 180mm wide, and 19 that are 200mm high by 120mm wide. 


The idea of the long straight piece at the bottom, is so that it can be bent to form a stand (he can do that himself). 


He says he would like the words SUSSEX and VECTIS to be less bold than the word HAMPSHIRE.


We've had a price from Mastergrave, but I'm wondering there's anyone else out there who would happily cut stainless steel like this. 


If stainless steel proves too costly, he might be interested in aluminium instead.


Can anyone help.


Thanks, Valerie 




stainless steel archery plaque.pdf

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Judging by the prototype that he brought in, the bends on the bottom are going to be quite tight. When I suggested aluminium to him yesterday, he immediately said that it would crack, and, as he is planning to do the bending himself (he's a metal worker), he's almost certainly not going to entertain it as an option. 


As it happens, he was quite unfazed by the quote given by Mastergrave, but it would be nice to have another price to compare. He's still got to clear it with the rest of his group.


Thanks, Valerie

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Hi Valerie,


I'm only replying as I'm a 'bowman' lol - traditional fletcher and compound archer. However I'd try some of the plasma or laser cutters in Sheffield?


I know it's hard to get quotes for items like this - it seems they are all too busy. But there are quite a few companies still alive in Sheffield that have serious machines to do this type of work.





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