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Shoe Repairer Forum

Large bump in sole of new boots

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Boots are "Chippewa Homesteads" purchased new. Both boots have a bit of a bump in the sole near the lower arch area. The right boot's bump is big enough that it is felt with every step. Is this something a cobbler can fix or should I send back to the manufacturer? Any ideas as to what that bump is or what might have caused it? I am posting here because manufacturer is trying to not honor warranty and I do not have a cobbler local to me.



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Are you in the UK? because if you are under the sale of goods act the item must be of "satisfactory quality".


goods should last for a reasonable length of time in a reasonable condition


The Sale of Goods Act 1979 doesn't say exactly how long goods should last. The general rule is that goods should last for a reasonable time and in reasonable condition. For example, a new car should last for several years in a reasonable condition but you may need to replace some of its parts over time.


If goods don't last as long as they should, they probably weren't of satisfactory quality when you bought them. For example, if the sole on a shoe comes away after a few weeks of normal wear, this suggests that it was never of satisfactory quality.


My Suggestion would be to phone trading standards, they will talk to the company on your behalf, usually a mention of trading standards will resolve any dispute.


I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to have the issue rectified by a repairer either, but it will incur costs, naturally.



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