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I have been given a pair of Hob Nail Boots. Bonus you would say, but they have been lacquered and the soles are solid and will not bend.

The lacquer is coming off easy enough just by steaming and peeling. My question is how can I loosen up the leather soles? There are no cracks or splits in them.

Can anybody help?

Thanks in advance.


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My question is how can I loosen up the leather soles?

because usually they are a three sole thickness & by nature aren't designed for wearing in comfort. I've never handled a pair of hobnail boots that are anything other than rock hard with no flex or give.

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These soles are only two layers, my everyday ones are three layer and has a bit of give in them.

Will the Lexol help condition the soles. My worry is when hammering in the Hobnails, if the leather is too hard, will it crack, split or crumble?

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Lee's just a harbinger of doom and gloom.... :lol: :lol:



that did make me :D


My worry is when hammering in the Hobnails, if the leather is too hard, will it crack, split or crumble?

Wet them with a damp cloth.



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