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Rubber Licensed Plate Frame

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We have never really had a need to engrave on rubber. I see there are some guide settings for this material but they all specify stamps. Apparently a client has a bunch of Rubber License Plate Frame that he would like us to engrave and my boss told him to drop one off so we can take a look. Translation: so I can take a look. Has anyone engraved on rubber other than the stamping kind? Are there safety concerns regarding the fumes? I saw one article in my research that said it is prone to catching on fire.

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We have never really had a need to engrave on rubber. I see there are some guide settings for this material but they all specify stamps. Apparently a client has a bunch of Rubber License Plate Frame that he would like us to engrave and my boss told him to drop one off so we can take a look. Translation: so I can take a look. Has anyone engraved on rubber other than the stamping kind? Are there safety concerns regarding the fumes? I saw one article in my research that said it is prone to catching on fire.



I done a sample for someone on petrol station fuel hose engraved great fumes fine if you have a good extraction system and fire no issue as our machines have great air assist to keep flames from burning up keeps them to a spark very rare on a material we see a flame.

You will need to run a sample and work on your speed and power settings look at stamp settings and either double speed of reduce power by about 50% as standard default rubber stamp setting will be set to engrave deep.



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