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Higher Bit On Rim Key

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I'll start again.


I need a Large rim key gauge 2 with the bit about 3mm higher that the standard large rim key.

It for a local church, not the main door, it is just an old lock in an old building

I would not try to copy a huge chuch key on to a rim key

He has the original and it does not taper on the bit in any way and the cut is very basic and will not break on a copy, only 2 lever lock, more basic than a lot of normal rim keys I get

Not at work at the mo but I have used SKS for huge chuch keys but from memory they all taper to certain degrees on the bit (I could be wrong in which case I will delete this after work)



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I'll start again.


I need a Large rim key gauge 2 with the bit about 3mm higher that the standard large rim key.

It for a local church, not the main door, it is just an old lock in an old building

I would not try to copy a huge chuch key on to a rim key

He has the original and it does not taper on the bit in any way and the cut is very basic and will not break on a copy, only 2 lever lock, more basic than a lot of normal rim keys I get

Not at work at the mo but I have used SKS for huge chuch keys but from memory they all taper to certain degrees on the bit (I could be wrong in which case I will delete this after work)






I wonder if anyone can point me in the right direction for a gauge 2 rim key but with a deeper bit

A normal large one is fine on the width bit I need one about 3mm higher to catch the levers on an old church keyThanks



oh right i thought you were talking about an old church key

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