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pondering over what new engraver to get

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i need some opinions from you engraving guys as what machine to invest in next

i have a universal used daily and a roland egx350 used nearly daily and a rayjet laser engraver which is now running about 4 hours a day.

the big question is where to go now i was thinking maybe a yag or fibre engraver i dont mind investing around 30k but at that investment it needs to be the correct machine for me.please dont recomend a gravo machine as i will never own one. i laser a lot of stainless steel with cermark so no spraying would be handy.

but also considered a 3d laser machine for the photos in crystal blocks any recomendations for that aswell



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Hi Craig,


have virtually no experience of the 3d lasers but judging from the cost of the blocks in shops now I guess they have come down in price a lot (the program used to be many thousands)


As for YAG may be worth looking at if you have enough work. Used to get some smart glasses to use with it but maybe its safer now.


Good luck and keep us informed whichever way you go

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