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Shoe Repairer Forum

key cutting blade and oil?

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I have just joined so hi everybody :mrgreen:


I have just started key cutting and as in other threads on this forum I notice how quick the blades dull. Has anyone ever heard of or used any cutting oils of any kind.


I know you have just most probably pictured you standing in front of the machine with a face full of oil :lol: . Well I was thinking of very small amounts just to help the cutting with its job.


What do you guys think?


I suppose I should ask this in another thread but is there a massive cost difference involved between using brass & aluminum blanks to save the cutter compared to steel blanks and going through more cutters.


1000 brass/ alum keys (££££) = 1 cutter


1000 steel keys (££) = 2 cutters


I hope I have worded this question right #-o


Cheers for any advice people

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