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Refit - the other side of the coin

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There has been a lot of talk on the forum over the months about refits etc.


This weekend we drove past a favorite haunt of ours which WAS a pizza restaurant, it refitted and became a coffe bar or something! (we stopped using them)

This weekend we noticed it has been re-refitted and is back to pizza's and all this with the same owners!

So how much damage has this inappropriate refit done them?


I myself refitted just over a year ago, I had rows of leather goods, which sales had slowed to a crawl, I reduced the space for them to just a few sq feet and sales are better than previous (still slow but better!)


I brought trophies to a better position and sales are much better. Altering around the shop has had an effect on sales


So heres my question, many have refitted what works and what doesn't?



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We used to sell a vast quantity of suitcases, bags, purses etc. and it got to the point where leathergoods were accounting for 70% of our total sales.


We had a refit 3 years ago and ditched the lot, then moved the keys, watch & trophy services into the windows. Sales on services are now well above the total sales we had before with all the luggage etc.


Also we no longer get all the complaints about suitcases and handbags only lasting 3 years. :shock:


Customers now know we repair shoes and cut keys and have stopped calling us 'The bag shop on the corner'. :D

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