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Shoe Repairer Forum

IS200TX Problem


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My IS200 has started to make a nasty sound when it returns from the park position. It returns no problem but when you tell it to engrave when the arm moves from L to R to start the job it Has a kinda shudder / Grateing noise that once the arm reaches the start point it stops ?

When the job is done it will go back to the park point no Probs


Any ideas ?

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Now how hard was that ! " NOT"


Why oh why is it that when we Phone DM and tell him the problem he says " Duno" call tech, I have never heard of it. but I can speak to UK900 and he gives me the exact instructions to repair it on the phone in 2 min.


This is 2 problems I have had with this machine in 4 weeks and both were fixed by members on the forum, at least Gravo have sponsored the forum.


Thank you UK900 ( Again)


I will have DM send you some of his wages over in a jiffy bag !

You earn them for Gravo. :roll:

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I will/ we will be there, might even come down the night before like last time, Is this maybe the Get together everyone is talking about ?

I filled in the online forum for tickets. any ideas of any good hotels my side of the venue ? I will need to get booked up asap

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I will/ we will be there, might even come down the night before like last time, Is this maybe the Get together everyone is talking about ?

I filled in the online forum for tickets. any ideas of any good hotels my side of the venue ? I will need to get booked up asap


I'll get back to you tomorrow on that, I only live 1/2 hour from the venue. Do you fancy stoppin in a hotel near me, and we'll go out on the town saturday night :smt030

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