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petercoulson last won the day on January 18

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About petercoulson

  • Birthday 12/29/1965

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Community Answers

  1. I'm nothing to do with Birch but in this instance it is Dr Martens themselves that stipulate the no sale policy and will remove the repairs from them if they do. This seems to be a worldwide policy and route they are taking.
  2. The makers of Dr Martens also make and own the soles and for a while now they will no longer supply outside of their company except to authorised repairers working on their behalf and if they were found to sell the soles on they no longer work for them
  3. So Jimmys murderer has been sent back to prison for boasting/referencing of his murder in song lyrics, we all know life does not mean life in sentencing just hope he's back for a long time and gets what is deserved. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c9vmmrx9k90o
  4. Around the £125 +VAT mark for a new one but price fluctuates every time they come from Europe
  5. As @grahamparker says first try that otherwise apart from trying to take the shaft out which may be impossible with the file in you may end up making the holw a lot bigger to get tweezers or pliers in so long as you remember to cover the holw after to stop swarf and dust as much as you can
  6. Hi Peter. I am looking at purchasing a Pedersen Model 309 Outsole Stitcher. Do you happen to know what thickness leather it is capable of sewing? I am hoping for something that might manage around 20mm.

    Do you happen to have a user manual I might be able to purchase from you?


    Appreciate any help. Thanks again.

    1. petercoulson


      Hi a 309? be warned that the 309 was obsolete and out of production shortly after WW2 in the 50's and is more of a lightweight machine that will not handle what you are looking at. It is actually a massive risk to even touch one as parts are not around, up to the late 80's there was still a lot of them knocking around particularly in Ireland but I don't know anyone using one any more. The only model Pedersen to consider is the 317 Rapid E but they are rare in good condition but when they are you cannot match them for the work they do.

    2. petercoulson
    3. Dannymac


      Wow. Thank you Peter! I think you just saved me a lot of trouble. Appreciate the advice.

  7. Yes it is. Even to the North of Ireland although that's got slightly easier recently but it's similar to before we joined the EU many years ago
  8. best to look up options here - https://www.gov.uk/trade-tariff you may have to be a little creative in description to get a code and you may be after several codes - heels for instance has one code whereas soles may have another, polish has it's own as well
  9. Best bet is to contact Nuova - http://www.nuovaobe.com/riparatori.html
  10. That's an odd one, Rapid E are very reliable and about the best outsole. taking the head off won't have been that easy but even if dropped the castings are strong and will either snap or not and won't warp. If it's definitely a rapid e there should also be some connecting bars from the bottom depending on the actual model perhaps it's these that cause the issue? Is the head free when it's not got the bolts nor belt in or difficult like you describe? soak it in WD40 or similar in case it's been sitting and rusty inside somehow, there are 2 little oil pots on the columns it's important these get lubricated
  11. L&G have a great sense of humour, it's genuine https://www.leatherandgrindery.com/index.php?route=product/search&search=jerk off&description=true
  12. Yes it's a hook thing but people never use them just a needle to poke through the hole
  13. Ah in that case perhaps try Goetz in Germany, not sure of dealers in Denmark
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