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Cherry blossom renovating polish

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On 2/4/2023 at 8:54 PM, cobblers.keys said:

Correct Flash. That is why I need to find a decent alternative. Looking at the cherry blossom tins they look good but I want to know how good the product is before I can sell to my customers.

I found Cherry Blossom dried out in the tin very quickly whilst on the shelf. Customers would rattle it then put it down.

I'm stocking the Saphir wax as an alternative to Kiwi and will push TRG creams more now.

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2 things I don't like about cherry blossom, 

The tins are very smart, but now got even more red on it. The name is cherry blossom, I have customers just assuming it's red. Just had one now. I'd just told him it was black. Put it through he till, and he goes "but I wanted black not red. "

I put the price over the name cherry blossom. 

It's now going to be available in most of the supermarkets, can make price comparison an issue. 


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it aint that simple with some customers these days ,you have signage on dors ,windows plus a wall full of keyboards and still they come in and ask do you cut keys ,i once told a customer no there just to fill up the wall space ,he said ok thanks do you know where i can get them cut ,i give up with some of them 

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On 2/6/2023 at 9:42 AM, Michael said:

I found Cherry Blossom dried out in the tin very quickly whilst on the shelf. Customers would rattle it then put it down.

I'm stocking the Saphir wax as an alternative to Kiwi and will push TRG creams more now.

With regards rattling tins. I had a couple of oxblood cherry blossom, dried out. I put the tin in a frying pan on the hob. Heated it until the polish melted. Then let it cool down. Worked quite well, kitchen smelled like I had been running a meth lab though. I did it when my wife was out. Opened all the windows and just preyed the smell would go away before she came back. 

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5 hours ago, cobblers.keys said:

If the polish rattles just take lid off and put under the heat lamp for a few seconds so it sticks to the tin again. 

It does work, but should we have  to go to all this effort just to sel la tin of polish? surely there must be way to stop the polish drying up in the tin in the first instance.

Better polish? better sealed tin?

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