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Old Union restricted section EZZ181

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This key belongs to Network Rail for some of their infrastructure, they typically use the bronze Union 3142 padlocks. The EZZ181 code is just a blind code. The EZZ code range is for 5 and 6 pin keys and can be used on most of Union's older keys. I think a Silca UNI31 should work. For some reason I haven't listed the exact section, Sidpicks could be right, does look like a UN902 at a glance but I'll check when I get home (if I get home).

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Cheers, Be good to confirm it. The UNI31 fits easily into the panel, just not got a padlock to 100% confirm. Some of our team have to do work trackside occasionally and almost everyone with key bunches have either retired or moved on. Trying to get everyone kitted out again just to save time in the future. 

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