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Unknown motorscooter code ID from lock

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Afternoon everyone, 

I got this lock from an unknown motorscooter in and I'm supposed to make a few keys for it. 

The different wafers are a specific colour so I'm hoping someone can help me find the key code this way. The order of the wafers (from key entrance to end of lock) is bronze-brass-black-bronze-brass coloured.  

The picture with a key inside is a Silca KYM1P blank. 

Thanks in advance!





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As long as all the wafers push out past the body then cut on your machine by hand using the depth setting to make the deeper cuts where needed.

Look down the side of the wafers so you can tell how wide the cut needs to be.

It is a very very easy and i do it often when we get some of the cheap and cheerful locks that are fitted to scooters/mopeds.

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Like grahamparker says, insert a proper a key blank and the wafers will tell the tale, deep cut will stick out the farthest, call it a 3 depth, shallowest will be flush or slightly above plug, call it a 0 or 1 depth, and your other will be in between so is a 2 depth,

 It is possible there are more depths used in the system such as a 4 and or 5 depth so...

assuming it is a proper width key blank to use,

Remove wafers in order, insert key blank, insert a probe into each wafer chamber and scratch key blank, this will give you your spacing,

remove key blank, mark flat of blank with fine magic marker at each scratch so you can tell where each space is if you insert it in to a code machine to cut your depths,

Remove key blank, reinsert wafers in order, reinsert key blank and estimate depths,

hand file or use code machine to take the depths down 15  thousands (or mm equivalent)  at a time till wafers are flush with plug surface,

if you have plug holders of various diameters or tubing of the proper inside diameter you can test you work as you go

*** if the key blank is brass alloy, remove the nickle plating so the brass shows, no need to remove wafers then, just insert key blank, and rock wafers on to blank and it will leave marks on the brass for your spacing***

...And lets hope they did not loose the retainer wafer & spring...

Some Yamaha are

#1 cut = Bronze/copper
#2 cut = Black
#3 cut = Standard brass/gold

Some Kymco are

#1 cut = gold

# 2&3 = silver

Some Honda are

# 1&3 = brass

# 2  = silver


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Under the assumption what you have is not an ignition lock plug, but is operated by the ignition key or part of the ignition key

those 5 cuts may not operate the ignition, as the ignition may be 6, 7 or 8 cuts,

bear with me as most folks do not realize that most auxiliary locks only use part of the key cuts


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Thanks for all the advice, this really helped! 

Pic of the current situation down below, it looks pretty good to me. 

I 'cheated' and took a car key that was already the correct depth for the bronze coloured wafers, only had to find out the other 3. 

On 6/19/2021 at 4:33 PM, HowardK said:

Some Yamaha are

#1 cut = Bronze/copper
#2 cut = Black
#3 cut = Standard brass/gold

This seemed to be the case. 

On 6/22/2021 at 5:14 PM, kobblers said:

If it's an Invacare, Leo, Comet or Orion scooter then this is the correct key for it.

If you need one, I'll quite happily send one.


Those cuts look similar but there was one more cut near the tip of the key. I'll gladly accept a key though, will come in handy in the future for sure. 


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21 hours ago, Toorex said:

Thanks for all the advice, this really helped! 

Pic of the current situation down below, it looks pretty good to me. 

I 'cheated' and took a car key that was already the correct depth for the bronze coloured wafers, only had to find out the other 3. 

This seemed to be the case. 

Those cuts look similar but there was one more cut near the tip of the key. I'll gladly accept a key though, will come in handy in the future for sure. 


Send me yer addy and I'll pop one in the post for you.


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