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Silca RW4 Plus mibox snoops not recognized.

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Hello to everyone, 

I have in my shop the Silca RW4 Plus with the mbox and the 2 snoops (Grey and red). It is a new machine, a have cloned only two transponders with the GTI chip so far. Yesterday I tried to copy a Seat Leon 2007 megamos chip. 

I inserted the client key, it was verified, then it asked me for the m-snoop (red) I inserted it and it could not see it. Kept always going blank screen and then 'please varify snoop position'. 

I changed the battery with a new one. 

Tried all possible positions (yes I saw all the videos on YouTube on how the snoop is inserted) but still I cannot get the machine to see it. 

I also went to the options menu where you can check battery, reset and operating status. Neither the gray nor the red snoop could be read by the machine. 

Any thoughts? Has anyone encountered such a problem before? 

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When I bought mine a few years back the same happened. 
I told my supplier who said they had had some issues with some snoops not responding and sent me a new one. 
Maybe yours is an older one with issues??? (Even though it’s new to you it could have been in a warehouse some time) 

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46 minutes ago, ntontotis said:

Well, I went to my supplier and told me that both have a faulty antenna.

Both are in need of replacement.

It is tragic for a big company as Silca to send faulty items.. 

You name me a company that doesn't get faulty equipment at some stage.

Does not matter how big they are.

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thats a bit harsh , it happens especially with electronic components , even the best qc systems in the world get a failure percentage on electronics , it happens.

how many times have you supplied a product that has been returned through no fault of your own , it happens.

my id48 snoop failed , aldridge replaced it very quickly , this i suspect is testement to aldridge as a good supplier and their customer service more than silca , but it was quickly replaced for me.

just for info purposes , there is also an orange snoop , required for some cloning functions but also does the job of the grey id46 and the red id48 snoop so is 3 in 1 .

if your supplier is replacing them for new or fixing them then they are doing all they can do .

its unfortunate and it is frustrating and is a frustration we have all endured from many suppliers , but just as we get faulty goods returned through no fault of our own , so do our suppliers , its how they deal with it that makes the difference and i couldnt fault aldridge who were excellent.

if its going to take a while to repair or replace your snoops , then my advice for what it is worth so you can be working quickly with your rw4 plus is , buy the orange snoop from your supplier as it opens up more cloning coverage for you , you will then be able to use this in place of the others and do all you need , so no downtime whilst awaiting repair or replacement of your other snoops.

at some point you will need the orange snoop if wanting to do id49 cloning as well , but this will also do all the red and grey snoop functions as well 



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23 hours ago, rapidlocks said:

thats a bit harsh , it happens especially with electronic components , even the best qc systems in the world get a failure percentage on electronics , it happens.

how many times have you supplied a product that has been returned through no fault of your own , it happens.

my id48 snoop failed , aldridge replaced it very quickly , this i suspect is testement to aldridge as a good supplier and their customer service more than silca , but it was quickly replaced for me.

just for info purposes , there is also an orange snoop , required for some cloning functions but also does the job of the grey id46 and the red id48 snoop so is 3 in 1 .

if your supplier is replacing them for new or fixing them then they are doing all they can do .

its unfortunate and it is frustrating and is a frustration we have all endured from many suppliers , but just as we get faulty goods returned through no fault of our own , so do our suppliers , its how they deal with it that makes the difference and i couldnt fault aldridge who were excellent.

if its going to take a while to repair or replace your snoops , then my advice for what it is worth so you can be working quickly with your rw4 plus is , buy the orange snoop from your supplier as it opens up more cloning coverage for you , you will then be able to use this in place of the others and do all you need , so no downtime whilst awaiting repair or replacement of your other snoops.

at some point you will need the orange snoop if wanting to do id49 cloning as well , but this will also do all the red and grey snoop functions as well 



I have to admit that in part i am also at fault for not checking the snoops from the options menu if they are responding correctly.

I found out when i needed them, when i had the customer at my shop.

I contacted my supplier for a solution. Silca could send the replacement antennas in 7-days. It is fair and logical.

In conclusion, i decided to buy the new U-Snoop because i wanted to work.

I understand that electronic equipment may be produced faulty, and as you said yes, my supplier did everything they could going as far as to lend me their snoop.

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its worth having the u-snoop for the id49 cloning as opens more options , but also useful having one that does all 3 in 1.

glad its resolved , when frustration kicks in especially the frustration of losing a sale as well its easy to see red , so many now vent online on forums and groups some even alienate suppliers in doing so , its always best to go direct to supplier and have it resolved .

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