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Shoe Repairer Forum

'Famous' shoe repairers and locksmiths

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Over the years I have met hundreds of shoe repairers/locksmiths and sometimes you come across the odd snippet of another more famous life like the repairer spread across the news once after being named as the other party in an Arsenal players divorce or the ex professional footballer who set up a shoe repair business in London. One of the more outstanding tales I came across has a tragic ending but we've all heard of Banksy well in the 1980's he started a graffiti war with a young London lad called King Robbo who went on to become a shoe repairer whilst continuing the feud with Banksy. In the early noughties this became more of an art war but just as King Robbos art career was taking off he had a tragic fall down some stairs late at night before being found the next day spending 3 years in a coma before passing away. Interestingly during this time Banksy restored the original works that started the feud. I know Robbo fairly well but it wasn't until the last time I saw him he told me his story and showed me some of his art which was good.


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