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key blanks or supplier??

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The flexcore patent expired in 2017...to be replaced with the flexcore plus with the tapered shoulder.

If i had the blanks, I wouldn't see the difference in copying them than I would an LWFU2 on an original evva.

I believe there are 6 slightly different blanks?  I have found a key that fits all 6 profiles and is tall enough to work on 75% of keys (its a silca blank but i am unhappy with the strength of it)  A stronger bypass could be made i think to cover all of them .  I see these a lot in my part of the world.  If any of the oldschool, trusted members on here wanted to invest in getting some blanks produced on alibaba, hit me a PM. i reckon a min order of 10k blanks @ .30p (top price) equals £3000 investment.

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