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I just tell them all we do not have electricity and use a log burner and run on steam, it stops then dead in there tracks.

I have had many ring up pretending to be the company i am with,  i got that sick of calls i put a password on my account so if someone calls saying they are from there i ask them for my password, no password the phone goes down.

Had a really angry guy ring me back 5 times trying to tell me there is no password it became quite funny dealing with him and eventually i managed to keep him on hold for 10 minutes until he finally hung up and never called again.

Also say for data protection can i have you full name and home address and date of birth,  that also stops them.

Funnily enough I have not had a call for a good nine months now so the message must be sinking in.

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On 8/6/2020 at 9:28 AM, petercoulson said:

What about saying the boss isn't around and having a list of alternative suppliers numbers ready to give them the number of a rival to call and ask for Mr so and so to discuss their renewal?

I do this all the time, take their direct number then give it to the next one that calls! 

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