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20 hours ago, Gary B said:

Hello, I've been tuning / remapping for nearly 10 years and just fancied trying my hand at Auto-locksmithing....Here goes

Just curious, why would someone wishing to get into auto -locksmithing join a forum titled SHOE REPAIR INFO.....?

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Because if you google some questions the forum often pops up with answers and solutions.

There are many very skilled and talented people on the forum some who do not even do shoe repairs so why would they not join ?.

Many locksmith only forums are not always as helpful as you would imagine and some members treat non members with disdain.

I have witnessed this with my own eyes, but on business trips to Silca and Abus factories and I have been warmly welcomed by many MLA members even though I am not a member because when you start talking and discussing things over a drink they realise that my knowledge and skill is just as good as theirs.

I tried to join the MLA over 35 years ago and was turned down as i did not know anyone, the world has now changed and money is now king so if you want in just pay up, i refuse to pay to join a group that refused my entry all those years ago.

So thats why there more than just a few auto locksmiths on the forum.

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49 minutes ago, Gary B said:

Just like grahamparker said, i typed some questions into Google.....Hey presto here I am

Just curious that's all, doesn't seem logical to me, as from what I understand is a lot of locksmiths look down on shoe repairers.

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Interesting thread. For those of you that do not know; I am a Locksmith and an MLA Member. I have heard tales of how the MLA was run in the past, and I hope that is all behind us now, but everyone in this industry has long memories and tend to stick to their guns once their mind is set. Maybe one day there will be more unity, but I'm not holding my breath. I can assure you it is not so "Sniffy" now. Many of us give help and advice to members and non-members alike.

I am a member of several Locksmith forums and FB groups. I was initially apprehensive about joining here as I had heard that you were not so friendly to locksmiths! That Myth was soon busted.

I have to say that I have found help and support every time I have asked for it. I often use the forum search to get answers on key blanks I am not sure about or to get an unbiased opinion from those who have learnt the hard way before me. The MLA forum is useful but there are not many Auto lockies within the MLA, or on the other forums I use. Distributors and training companies give limited support beyond the balance clearing.

I certainly don't look down on Shoe repairers. I find it fascinating but not something that would fit in my business.

The  knowledge and experience within this forum is invaluable whatever stage in your career,. Thanks to everyone who has put their heart and "Sole" into it so far! ;-)


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well I have been here for years, The MLA has moved on but like ALL forums only a few dozen members are using it. Like all trade kids on bikes are taking the bread and butter joibs, cocking them up and walking away - SO information is hard to get until they know who you are, One forum had a guy PM ing every one with how do I use a screwdriver, what is a hammer etc etc then giving 'help' online???????? If all locksmiths were in the MLA it could bat from strength.

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8 hours ago, Flash said:

Just curious that's all, doesn't seem logical to me, as from what I understand is a lot of locksmiths look down on shoe repairers.

I'm not a very good locksmith so if a man who repairs shoes can help me by only 0.01% and shed some light on the many mysteries I face on a daily basis then he's my hero.

Edited by Gary B
spelling mistake
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a few of the better auto locksmiths are also shoe repairers so why not join here , yes theres shoe repairers who shouldnt go near a car just as theres general locksmiths who shouldnt go near a car , being an auto locksmith may be alot different to repairing shoes , but being an auto locksmith  is also a world apart from being a general locksmith , the work involves very little locksmithing for most as is all electronics based these days.

Gary B your background in tuning already gives you a head start on many as already understand diagnostics , i suspect you can already eeprom and solder and i suspect you already know how to remove and open an ecu and talk to it , skills that many in the trade still dont have. the modern tools make the picking and decoding straight forward , lock stripping and changes are logical if you have practical hands and a logical mind .

still a steep lurning curve and lots to learn and understand , but id say your starting from a better place than many.

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I had a "newly trained" locksmith call in to see me a few years ago and ask me to teach him how to cut a key!!!!!

I'm really sorry but i laughed him out of the shop. 

We all have different strengths and weaknesses. As long as we can all make a living then it's all good.

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10 mins ago I had a fireman come in and said he needs a small tool kit and needs to get into houses quickly without any damage.

Apparently this is to rescue babies that are sleeping and mum has locked herself out. I told him to advise mum to call a locksmith or use the master key that's sitting in the wagon.

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Lots of Firefighters carry Mica in their tunics (or certainly used to). Maybe with UPVC doors they need an alternative?

My mate always tells the story of the beautiful young girl he met at the top of a ladder. "You're the 3rd pregnant girl I've rescued".

She says "but i'm not pregnant".... "you're not rescued yet" :-D 

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