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Good evening,

Just asking, is this little machine worth having.

Currently got an old trs5000 (not even evo) and am just looking on colleges website and seen this.

Dont do alot of car keys, but alot of the vehicles nowadays are vw/ seat/ Audi and a few mates have vivaro/ traffic Van's, which this machine says it can make remotes/ chips for.

Just wondered if it is as easy to use as it looks on the video, and also if it clones/ copies chips similar to trs5000.

Any help, or comments are greatly appreciated 

Thank you

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whether its worth having depends on what you want and expect it to do at the end of the day .

keydiy kdx2 will clone keys yes , including id48 if you generate enough remotes you earn enough coins to make id48 cloning free , if you dont then you need to buy tokens for id48 cloning , the cloning chips are very cheap and reliable , it will clone id46 , id48 , 4d , 4c , g chip etc .

but cloning is just a small part of what it does , its best function is remote generation as can generate over 1000 different vehicle remotes and most are extremely reliable and their keys are decent quality too , but it doesnt program chips and remotes to the car , for this you need diag kit.

vag it will generate remotes to be programmed by diag kit and it will clone models using id48 chips , traffic and vivaro vans wont be covered after 2014 models , they have only just rereleased the remotes from renault as previous attempts failed 

id say for any auto locksmith its worth its weight in gold , if its worthwhile for you depends what you want to do with it

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