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Covid-19 & Business Premises Rent Management

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Hi all and hope you are all safe and well ! 

Just a general thought about how you all managing your business rent payments ( not relevant to the ones own business premises) 

It seems like we still have few weeks in lock down , more uncertain future months and rents are eating away most of the funds received from government.

Some landlords are generous enough or afford to not take the rent for couple of months but most want their rent regardless of the current situation. 

In residential and business rental contracts , there is a term that specifies that rental premises must be safe for the tenant to  live or for business safe to operate from. 

Due to the current situation, we are all closed as it's not safe for ourselves and the public to operate and stay open. While the premises not safe to be used, why the rent should be paid. I understand that this a national level issue and not in the hands of the landlords, but it just doesn't make sense to me. 

Legally the rents should be paid and how long this should continue..

I am more worried about after the Lock down, as speaking to business owners near me ,many have plans not even Saty open after the Lock down. 

Any thoughts on that much appreciated. 


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2 hours ago, exp121260 said:

Hi all and hope you are all safe and well ! 

Just a general thought about how you all managing your business rent payments ( not relevant to the ones own business premises) 

It seems like we still have few weeks in lock down , more uncertain future months and rents are eating away most of the funds received from government.

Some landlords are generous enough or afford to not take the rent for couple of months but most want their rent regardless of the current situation. 

In residential and business rental contracts , there is a term that specifies that rental premises must be safe for the tenant to  live or for business safe to operate from. 

Due to the current situation, we are all closed as it's not safe for ourselves and the public to operate and stay open. While the premises not safe to be used, why the rent should be paid. I understand that this a national level issue and not in the hands of the landlords, but it just doesn't make sense to me. 

Legally the rents should be paid and how long this should continue..

I am more worried about after the Lock down, as speaking to business owners near me ,many have plans not even Saty open after the Lock down. 

Any thoughts on that much appreciated. 


It's going to be very tough I think. The rent we pay is someones income and they may be as desperate as the next man, not all are big companies with loads of spare cash.

I guess only time will tell, not all will get over this virus.

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5 hours ago, petercoulson said:

We don't have a massive rental bill but our landlord is good we are paying it in full still that's where the rates grant is helping and part of what it should be used for

I have quite a large rental bill, and my landlords won't give an inch, one day late incurs interest charges...

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4 hours ago, Lee said:

The 10k to 25k grant was given to help cover rents. That was it’s soul aim. The furlough scheme was to help with wages, that was its aim. No business will come out of this unscathed it is what it is 

What when the £10k doesn't cover the rent??

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  • 3 weeks later...

the grant for small business was to be

used as you saw  fit not just for landlords

9weeks and rent paid no income don't be daft

pay what you can or get a default account for 12months were

you paid as you go until you reach your level 

some will win some will lose 

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