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COVID-19 Information for you

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  On 1/15/2021 at 4:28 PM, petercoulson said:

******MEGA NEWSFLASH******

Just in the news, go back to your insurance policies/companies/brokers and see if you can now claim for business interruption following the Supreme Court ruling against insurers


Screenshot 2021-01-15 at 16.28.39.png


Just informed my insurer that had evaded all conversations about it. but today I now have this reply

so thanks guys - I will let you know for any step forwards


"Thank you for your query. We are aware of the Supreme Court judgement released on Friday 15 January, and are working with insurers to understand their next steps as quickly as possible. I’m happy to discuss further and will look to provide a further update within the next 7 days, or sooner should we have clarity from your insurer. Please be assured we will update you as soon as we can"

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  On 1/18/2021 at 11:09 AM, k4mrc said:

Just informed my insurer that had evaded all conversations about it. but today I now have this reply

so thanks guys - I will let you know for any step forwards


"Thank you for your query. We are aware of the Supreme Court judgement released on Friday 15 January, and are working with insurers to understand their next steps as quickly as possible. I’m happy to discuss further and will look to provide a further update within the next 7 days, or sooner should we have clarity from your insurer. Please be assured we will update you as soon as we can"


Yes please it will be interesting to see the outcome

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So they came back to me

this is the reply -

Dear Martin

Further to your query on business interruption, we’ve further reviewed your policy, which does include business interruption under specified circumstances. The result of the court case does not impact potential cover under the disease cover clause, as the diseases covered are listed and do not include Covid-19. However, there is some wording under the ‘Denial of access (non-damage) cover’ clause, that is worth further exploring:
We will cover you for any loss insured by this section resulting from interruption or of interference with the business where access to your premises is restricted… arising from… the actions taken by the police or any other statutory body in response to a danger of disturbance at your premises or within a 1 mile radius of your premises.
The definition of danger is not specified and we have not yet seen any comment from Axa on this.
At this stage, it would be helpful if you could confirm what you are looking to claim for including rough estimate of size of claim.
(any comments you think I should make would be helpful)
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  • 1 month later...

BUDGET DAY - expected announcements include Furlough extension and 

6. Support to help businesses reopen

The chancellor is to unveil details of a £5bn grant scheme to help struggling High Street shops and hospitality firms in England reopen after lockdown.

The chancellor said the grants would be worth as much as £18,000 per firm, but some business groups say the money is not enough.

Nearly 700,000 shops, restaurants, hotels, hair salons, gyms and other businesses in England, will be eligible for the so-called "restart grants", to be distributed directly to firms by local authorities from April. It will replace the current monthly grant system.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Business Insurer response to Covid-19 interruption Claim ! 


We recognise that the judgement of the Supreme Court in the Test Case represents an important milestone in the context of the interpretation of some of the common business interruption wordings in the market. The FCA Test Case and the Supreme Court focused on policy wordings within the following three categories:


1. Interruption caused by an outbreak of a Notifiable Disease.

The Test Case has determined that the cover for disease provided by our wordings such as Retail Catering, Trader Commercial Combined, Office and Property Owners, will not provide cover as these wordings specifically list the diseases for which cover is included and Covid-19 is not in the list.  


2. Interruption caused by Prevention of Access.

The Test Case focused on types of policies where cover was provided for business interruption arising from “prevention of access” to an insured premises where there was no damage to nearby property(ies).  Our Retail Catering, Trader Commercial Combined, Office and Property Owners wordings do not have such extensions so there is no cover for non damage prevention of access, as damage to the premises is required for cover to apply.  


3. Interruption caused by policy provisions which are engaged by restrictions imposed on the premises in relation to a notifiable disease (a mixture of the above two).

As outlined above, our Retail Catering, Trader Commercial Combined, Office and Property Owners wordings will not provide cover for diseases that are not specifically listed, nor restriction or prevention of access to premises that is not precipitated by damage to property and therefore no cover is afforded in respect of the Covid-19 pandemic.  


In summary, the  Supreme Court decision has no direct impact or relevance to policyholders who are insured on our Retail Catering, Property Owners, Office, Trader policy wordings.


We deeply sympathise with all those that have been affected by this unprecedented situation where our issued policies do not provide cover for the same.

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After a massive rant / meltdown on my business Fb page the council took note , had 15;000 people reached & several thousand views / replies about our knock back for the secondary grant , after a massive struggle they accepted our application & paid out . Thankfully this has kept the wolves from the door & coverd our bills / rent for the next 2/3 months while we fully reopen . 
I would suggest keep badgering your council ,& get local social media on your side ,as they don’t like bad publicity,especially on the run up to local elections .  The grant was for sep- dec , which in itself is mad ,but that’s the criteria, secondary discretionary business support grant 

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The restart Grant is available through local government, check yours to see how to apply 

The grants are rateable value related as well as sector dependent, so non-essential businesses reopening on 12 April get up to £6000 while some like hairdressers up to £18000 but that is to reflect how hard they've been hit and will continue to be so with restrictions when they open (again rateable value related) Note it's administered by local government so no doubt we will see some shoe repairers get some won't if they feel they were essential businesses in the first place.



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  • 3 months later...
  On 7/20/2021 at 11:07 AM, BIG AL PRICE said:

has anyone had contact from HMRC about the final SEISS grant yet?

gov website says they will contact mid july....


That advice was withdrawn I believe and a follow up says Late July to Sep to claim - https://www.which.co.uk/news/2021/07/government-announces-grants-for-self-employed-workers-during-coronavirus-outbreak/

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Good news (i hope) I have just got a NO WIN NO FEE company to get my business interruption - my insurers have 'closed the door' on even giving proper advice towards a claim.

My guess is if this company are willing to act on a no win no fee basis, i should get something

let you know how this goes 

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