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glenways new policys

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ok ordered 60 trophies they sent the wrong ones no problem phone then up dpd drops off the next 60 and picks up

the wrong 60 customer then decides wants the bigger ones so they go back and they then send 120 of correct ones

they decide I should pay 100 pounds restocking fee I think new man Chris is not being clever , 

Simon Gillespie

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I had a similar concern with another supplier when I had to return items that I had double ordered - my mistake NOT theirs.

As it turned out I need not have worried. They were happy to take back the goods (at my expense of course which is fair enough) and the credit note came through in quick order.

Their attitude was along the lines of mistakes sometimes happen. Needless to say they are towards the top of my 'suppliers to keep' list!!

Does seem a tad shortsighted of Glenway.


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i ordered 10 trophies from trend, received 4 in total and they were'nt the ones i ordered, to top it all   they sent me the invoice for the 10 trophies, when they sent the correct ones and uplifted the wrong ones they invoiced me again for the 10 and  cleverly issued credit for the 4 wrong ones they had sent me ( remember i eas invoiced for 10 not 4), they then started chasing me for the invoice that was never delivered (4 instead of 10) it took me 4 months of emails and phone calls and umpteen messages  to get rid of stupid demand notices..

not impressed to say the least..

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I suppose, for the record, I should mention that it was Trophy Distributors who looked after my returns so obligingly.

Came aboard with them a few years ago at a Trophex show. Have to say they've looked after me very well since.

I work exclusively on crystal and glass so I only have experience relating to those ranges within their catalogue.


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Morning Hakeemz,

Thank you for your comments.

I’m sorry to here that you’ve had a bad experience with Trend. I wondered if you could email over your details, as we would like to investigate what happened.
We strive to meet all of our customer needs, and would like the opportunity to change your mind in using Trend again.

Please email sales@trend.uk.com
Thank you Hakeemz and hope to hear from you soon.

Trend Team.


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