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Help Reading Tibbe Lock Pick Please

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I have recently bought a Tibbe lock pick and i am able to pick and open the locks ok, but my problem is that i dont know how to read the pick numbers so i can make a cut a new key, where do you read the key code from, (which line of numbers) any help much appreciated.

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there are lots of different tibbe picks that you read in different ways  , with you refering to lines of numbers i will assume you mean the catapillar tool sold online and by lishi as i know this to have lines of numbers.

the best advice i can give on this tool is to ignore the lines of numbers entirely , they tend to confuse things , instead concentrate on the positions of the turner arms , you only have 4 different heights , so its far easier this way .

the 4s you know straight away as no lift and instantly solid ,  the difference can be seen on where the arms rest.

in worn locks you can be unsure , so on a position where you unsure , reset just that position and pick that position again gently , if it clicks just once and opens its a 3 , twice its a 2 and 3 times its a 1 , you can verify every position this way .

i tend to pick the lock , then whilst maintaining tension on the 4s in open position , i pull each position back to its stop position and read the height differences .

works for me and most tibbe with practice are a minute or so just to pick and decode .

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if really wanting to use the numbers , you know the positions of the 4 cuts as the solid ones you tension with , so where the number 4 sits in these positions will be the line you read , but i find it not always accurate reading the lines , quicker and easier reading the turners.

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