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The Heel tubes on these shoes are filled with hard metal and only about 10mm left for the inflex heel pin. 

So, pin punch and drilling would not work and you just wasting your time and drill bits . 

If your customer worn it down to the tube level, its now almost impossible to take the pin out and beyond repair. 

I had one like that couple of years ago, wasted plenty of time and drill bits  but without any luck. 


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To thin tubes to replace
I drilled the last time but I had to cool down
water in a mug is the basis for drilling thin plastic heel blocks
I use a cobalt drill for such drilling
The rotation of the drill is very important, it must be slow
drill speed 100 - 700 rpm
it is best to inform the customer about the risk and that he must take it if something goes wrong
shoes are expensive so the price of the service should be proportional to the time you spent on it and the prices of the drills you use

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