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Cruciform key ID assistance

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6 hours ago, grahamparker said:

Asec Blank does NOT fit these, they are made by federal and sold under the Enfield name.

Blanks available from Brisant, Loctonic, Hughes Wholesale or me depending on how many you want.

Thanks Graham, 

Need 2 blanks and if you have them I am not going to anyone-else !

Never cut one of these before , so may be a bit of challenge for me but I will give it a try.



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1 hour ago, grahamparker said:

Easy to do but you mast match the correct side up. Just mirror the original with the dot on the head in the same position, line up then rotate both either forwar or backwards in unison to cut all 4 sides in the correct positions.

Thanks Graham , much appreciated

I will contact customer tomorrow morning to confirm the No of keys needed and then  PM you for the blanks. I  might need another different blank as well to send with these if you have one instock. 



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