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iv just changed over to a new groover as the old one was blunt BUT i'm now terrified of loosing my fingers. What can i do to maybe wear it in a bit faster? got a few leathers to do but going round the toe seems to a bit the tricky part... never struggled on the old one but this thing is razor sharp.

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to be honest we'v had it for about two years and it was my boss who bought it, he's pretty much retired and he and his wife have got health issues so i try not bother him so much about work.. we'v just always put of using the new one but this started to effect the quality of the repairs especially because we use JR Leather and its pretty tough stuff.. il will try find out though 

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If it's tungstun Carbide then it won't dull anytime soon, We've been using the same one on all types of material for two decades and it's still good today.

We always start at the right and feed the work anticlockwise, On rubber sloes a light bit of oil stops the tool snatching.


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7 hours ago, Chulse04715 said:

iv just changed over to a new groover as the old one was blunt BUT i'm now terrified of loosing my fingers. What can i do to maybe wear it in a bit faster? got a few leathers to do but going round the toe seems to a bit the tricky part... never struggled on the old one but this thing is razor sharp.

I’ve just started using a new tungsten groover, purchased off Pete from siserve, a bit scary at first but you need to treat it like a strange dog, if it senses you are scared it will bite.

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Our New style groover is much kinder than the older one's, it's much easier to use and lasts ages.

You would need to order a complete bayonet as the fitting is different, but it doesn't snatch like the old Tungsten used to.  If anyone is interested they can PM for more details and prices. 


All the spares for the 700, and many more machines, are here on our NEW Website ;-)


If my memory serves, Lee has one ;-)

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