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They have been going downhill long before JMA officially took over. Unfortunately they lost all the good staff to other companies.

Trying to ask anything technical or asking for specific blanks is now a case of "the computer says no".

Also anyone notice how many items are now "no longer made" its what they say when they no longer stock them.


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I haven't had a problem with deliveries , But it seem they are another company that are not interested in answering my emails asking for a quote ? last time I spent £10K it was in the States  they actually answered all my questions & including import duty it was cheaper & support has been great .

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10 hours ago, grahamparker said:

That's a matter of opinion, in mine he is one of the biggest Lying C**** ever put on this planet and was perfect for the company he represented.

But that is my opinion.

As you quite rightly say, it's a matter of opinion, in mine he's a great bloke.

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To be honest, the key trade is crying out for a really good technical/sales rep, who can actually advise you on new blanks/ID...this ain't a dig at anyone in particular as we have loads of reps visit our shop, but I feel the trade never really replaced the sad loss of Stuart from Davenports :( What that guy didn't know wasn't worth knowing lol

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All I will say to some of the comments here is the following:

It takes years to gain knowledge on key cutting and it's more difficult now due to electronic keys etc dominating the car market,  along with a massive increase in types of key sections and designs now available. Judging by the many posts on Key ID on here, you're all still learning, so any salesman will wait a long time till he catches up with you guys.  In addition, most Companies cannot afford to have too many 'on the road reps' as there has been in the past and as such, there is a shortfall of good advice to hand, most advice is now given by companies via phone or e-mail.  This is the only way for Wholesalers/Manufacturers to stay competitive in a very competitive market, that's just  the way it is.  As for the 'Reps' left on the road, I think many will do 5-7 years with a Company, if that long, then move on to other industries thus leaving a dearth of knowledgeable people to rely on, it's a difficult problem to solve.


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Dave Lawson from Davenports was a rep I remember, now sadly departed, even when I was a mere pup he was always happy to help, advise and, if necessary, instruct. Seemed like he was never happier than when he was behind a key machine.

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dave was another legand  he always sorted you out  even if you were on the stop list ?, old school we all have our own opinion of reps (an endangered spcies) in thisday and age, as for bad reps  , keith remember Harold , 3 shops in a row , a power unit in each ?,  a fella I worked for was sold a 850d a 700 bandscourer and  a blake on  s&e leasing , Harold went up the road and sold the same to his competition,  when he next appeared  , my boss said  when this lease finishes I'm going to  cut these  machines int 4 inch squares and post them through your letterbox

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