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Howdy Folks,

A customer shipped a teardrop camper over to the US and needs keys made,

It appears to be the newer FAP key blank N73266,

Is there an aftermarket other blank or equivalent available  that will work ?

Did find a source here for original blanks,


Thanking You In Advance Again


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Thank You,

Silca AX1RP appears to be correct, but we are having a hard time trying to acquire blanks, as


does not ship over the pond to the US, and locating a Silca blank is just a difficult it seems,

We will keep looking

Thank You Again


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8 hours ago, HowardK said:

Thank You,

Silca AX1RP appears to be correct, but we are having a hard time trying to acquire blanks, as


does not ship over the pond to the US, and locating a Silca blank is just a difficult it seems,

We will keep looking

Thank You Again


If you want to buy some blanks from them you can buy them and have them delivered to me. As long as you pay all the postage costs that are associated I'll quite happily forward them on to you.

Pm me if you'd like to take up my offer.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all,

Apologizes for my late response,

The customer will be traveling back to Spain, France & the United Kingdom in June and will purchase some blanks while their,

Again Thank You for your help

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