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We've had a customer in wanting copies of a Yale Superior key, when we told her that we could do them for £16.50 each she said " Don't bother I'll take them to Asda, they do three for a tenner down there". We questioned whether she was sure that that wasn't just for a standard house key, but she remained adamant and off she went.

Does anyone know, can you really get 3 Yale Superior keys for a tenner at Asda?


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1 hour ago, Forest Cobbler said:

Well that's what we tried to explain to her, but she wasn't having it.

Maybe she'll come back with her tail between her legs and accept that we were right, but she might be too embarrassed.

We only charge £10 - are we too cheap?

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people are idiots, a woman came in " how much for 3 Yale's", I'm £3.95 so I says £11.85, so with a smirk on her face she says "Asda 3 for a tenner."

I said "so you're holding a multi national, multi billion pound company's cheap deal over my head for £1.85 when this shop is my only source of income"?

"Well I never thought about it like that"

They're £11.85 for three, do you want them or not?"

"OK, here's £12.00 I'll go and wait out in my car"

I cut the keys, waved at her to come in and she waved me to come out to the car, "here's your keys and here's your 15p change"

"just keep the change"

"No, take it, nice car by the way", (brand spanking new Audi TT £30K+ probably)

"oh yes it's very nice"

"and you tried to haggle with me for £1.85, see ya...!!"

I have seen her several times since with shoes and keys, she admits that she never gave it a milliseconds thought that small shops should be more expensive than big shops but now shops in the high street as much as she can...

I blame that wee mockney #### Dominic Littlewood, I saw him on TV recently telling everyone High Street shops are ripping you off and you should haggle for everything, he even boasted about haggling over a bottle of ketchup and was proud as punch he got 20p off of it claiming everyone was having a great time while he haggled, try that in my shop you dick. What a tosser...


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in the unlikely event  that   that little cockney bas--rd  ever visited my shop  ( which is highly unlikely) id hit the fucker so many times he   would think he was surrounded I heard  him on the radio  saying how he haggles over a pkt  of digestives  shame on the little ####  poor shop workers on basic wage

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59 minutes ago, Michael said:

I bet he don't queue up at Morrisons with his trolley full of shopping, then when he gets to the till start haggling the price!!

Haggling is one of my pet hates and instantly refuse or start haggling upwards.


he could also barter with the timpson pods lol

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I had a woman in the other week trying to blackmail me into doing 3 cylinders for £10.00 because that's what she could get from Asda. I took great pleasure in letting her know that she couldn't, as they've had their machine removed from our local store :)

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1 hour ago, Dean said:

Everyone will moan when there're no towns with independents to shop in anymore and only massive supermarkets/out of town retail parks.

It's happening everywhere!!

My high street is dead, Argos will be moving to the out-of-town Sainsburys in June, another nail in the coffin.

I'm hanging on by the skin of my teeth but I don't know for how much longer I want to just scrape by.

Seems to be too hard to make money nowadays, especially in retail. If the big guys like Maplin, New Look etc. are all shutting down what hope do us little guys have!

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10 hours ago, grahamparker said:

I would doubt it, They have a unit in the town precinct, a pod outside Tesco's and a new unit in Morrisons all within 5 miles of each other.

The johnson unit has been redesigned where the key boards where so i don't think they are going anywhere.

don't count on that, around here within about 5 miles they have about 5!

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