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ive had one for a while , but my reasons for buying were mainly for honda , its excellent on honda and not just for keys , i get alot of calls for civics that have had flat batteries and been jump started which causes the immo and ecu to miss match , its great on fixing these too , so this was the main reason i bought it , its paid for itself 6 times over just on honda alone.


it has its issues and failures as do most cheaper machines , but has also had its uses too. it is good on later on later fords after 2012 , when other kits have failed this has saved the day , not so good on the older fords pre 2007 but great on late fords to date for me .


its excellent on asian models as you would expect , honda , suzuki , toyota , hyundai/kia , mazda , nissan etc , vag has improved alot and with the rfid ariel can do precoded cs after 2008 models , better on late vauxhall like astra j and insignia than older models .


the android tablet is good quality and very simple to update if the x300DP , it recieves updates almost weekly so well supported.


its never going to have the coverage of a fully loaded ad100 Pro etc , but its just a fraction of the price , good token saver for mvp pro users , decent token saver as a start up unit  , with an ever growing coverage , alot of coverage for what it costs , all the green f100 to f109 units coverage are on it too , it is what it is , a good machine for its money especially if used on its strengths. having mileage correction and china , usa and other regions key programming on it too makes it useful on imports as well .

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depends where you buy , ive seen them between £550 on promotion which is when i bought one up to £900 . if wanting to do vag after 2008 then the RFID ariel and lead is needed as well which is a paid for extra at about $150 usd plus shipping.


as said ive used it on mainly honda , but it bailed me out on a 64 plate focus and a few other late fords including a 2015 mondeo . ive used it on suzuki , nissan qashqai j10 and j11 models a few hyundai though i use gscan tab from hickleys on hyundai mostly and its been great on late mazda as well as some others  , ive not used it as much as i should on rest as have other options im more used to .


but been a good investment for the money , plenty of how to videos online and been reliable on what ive used it on to date , but cant fault it on honda which is what i bought it for and its paid its way for me on these alone.


if expecting a unit with equal coverage to a fully loaded ad100 pro then you will be dissappointed , but if looking at it as a start up unit or a token saver its spot on and at its cost payback is quick if you have the jobs for it.

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The OBD STAR should be listed on Tradelocks very soon - I'll let you know as soon as they are listed. They will also come with UK support and warranty.


what type of support does tradelocks do????


they been crap in the past with everything

so cant see them being any better with diagnostic tools

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what type of support does tradelocks do????


they been crap in the past with everything

so cant see them being any better with diagnostic tools


Please try and offer constructive criticism or at least explain why you think they were crap so they can at least have the chance to reply and address any issues.



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what type of support does tradelocks do????


they been crap in the past with everything

so cant see them being any better with diagnostic tools


tradelocks in past have spent a fortune on support , take lishi tools , not only did they fund the tools launch and its development from 1 tool to over 100 tools in the range , they have supplied worldwide support on the tools , magazine articles in most trade magazines around the world  , how to guides in most magazines and on most trade forums  , training , show sponsorship and demo worldwide for years  , almost all the lishi guides have been produced and released by tradelocks , i know as i was paid to write most of them , there wont be many low cost hand tools that have had the level of support that lishi has worldwide , as well as this i know their in house support guy kevin deals with telephone support daily on lishi as well as other bits they sell and on some they dont .


i still remember a time when no tool came with instructions , no guides and no support at all , and id have to say the trade was better then for this, but the trade has changed especially with the internet.


they may not get everything right and like most im pretty sure they get some things badly wrong , but as with most suppliers you only read about the negatives and what they get wrong , very rare does anyone write about what a supplier gets right   , though i dont know many suppliers that do always get it right , but support wise they have often given far more than most , especially on lishi .


but we are all entitled to our opinion , personally i find tradelocks better than alot out there and not as good as some others out there , but one thing that i am sure of , theres alot more support these days than of old .


support is costly , and with the bargain basement prices most want these days , the 2 dont go well together any more , but many seem to wont low low prices and alot more support .


but all opinions are valid and you will always read the bad of all suppliers as everyone likes to vent via a keyboard ,  but rarely do you read positives or the good , so if basing an opinion purely on what you read then most suppliers would be deemed crap as you only read the negatives  , if we all agreed life would be boring .

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what type of support does tradelocks do????


they been crap in the past with everything

so cant see them being any better with diagnostic tools

Daza, as rapidlocks has explained above, Tradelocks focus on a lot of free support to the industry.


The free technical line is busy none-stop with people asking for help and advice on a whole range of products - and people are helped even if they haven't bought the product from Tradelocks!


A majority of products come with either an instructional video of how to use the tool, or with step by step user instructions. Both of which are done in-house by the Tradelocks team.


They have 3 bases in the UK where customers can take their products if there is a problem with them - Manchester, Birmingham and Southampton.


Tradelocks also completely fund 2 free technical magazines to the industry - Cars, Keys and Locks, as well as the new Keycutters Magazine. Unlike other magazines it does not rely on sponsors to keep it going, and is instead filled with extremely helpful and detailed technical guides on a wide range of products - www.locksmithmag.com


Finally, they have created the brand new free Find a Locksmith app, where the public can search for their local locksmiths, as well as auto and domestic key cutters. The app is aimed to give additional and free support to all locksmiths and key cutters. And they are even investing in a huge TV campaign for the app which is due to launch in December 2017, being promoted to over 7 million people each month. So well worth signing up to get listed on there! http://shoerepairer.info/topic/22421-free-advertising-for-all-key-cutting-shops/


So as you can see, Tradelocks are doing an awful lot to support the whole industry, and all of the support is coming out of their own pockets to help the whole community!

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Even better thanks



Hi - the OBD Star is now available on the Tradelocks website - https://tradelocks.co.uk/obdstar-x300-dp-tablet-key-programmer-uk-edition.html


This comes with free UK support (see above).


It'll be worth noting that the machine is also legally imported with all relevant import taxes paid - something which may trip you up if you order the machine from eBay and it comes in from China.

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at the end of day its a token saver , a cheap machine to get started or to save tokens , it fits that catagory well , mine has surprised me as i bought mainly for honda and rematching ecu and immo on can models after flat battery and jump start , its also been usefull on some late 2012 on ford , but for these i use the china ford rather than european ford as they use same system and the later coverage is here in china ford. its been good on suzuki ive used it on , especially for calculating pins from 20 digit code , mazda has been good that ive tried so far , done a good few nissans including a J11 qashqai , a few toyota ive tried have gone in , and ive read some canbus psa pins with it by obd with success and coded key too  .


some older vauxhall pin read has been a let down but they are working on it , and a few renault pin reads were a let down but again they are working on it and update regular .


considering i bought it for some specific jobs on honda , its been surprisingly useful on alot more .

seems better on newer cars than older especially ford and far better on asian models like suzuki , honda , hyundai ,nissan , mazda etc than it is on some euro models


it bailed me out when both my abrites and ad kit failed to complete a 64 plate focus , this got it where the others failed for what ever reason , doesnt make it better than my other kit nor does it mean my other kits crap , it was another option that paid off when needed , it failed to pull a vectra c pin that abrites pulled in under a minute . so its not the only machine you will ever need , but its a handy unit to have for what it can do and for the tokens it will save..


i will try it on some precoded vag now i have rfid arial , but tend to use abrites on these so it will only be out of curiosity 


so i was pleased with it as exceeded my expectations and what i bought it for . it will come down to expectations and needs , if expecting it to do as much as a much dearer machine it will be a disappointment every time , used to its strengths its a useful addition to ones arsenal that at its cost pays back quickly, mine paid back and moved into profit over last 8 months on honda alone and a decent unit to dip your toes with before investing the big money if having a go at auto , it wont replace my main kits from abrites , AD , IEA and Truecode but it has its place as a token saver especially on certain makes, it will all come down to needs and expectations and type of work you use it on.

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no later honda coverage in latest update , so civic still only to 2013 models in euro software 


had a pig of an 07 ibiza today , everything left immo light flashing , used obdstar thinking no chance , it pulled pin , programmed key and programmed remote flawlessly. so has its uses

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