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Tissot strap

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Ok first of all you make alot of friends I wasn't short to begin with & we have some great nights out & days & with wifes, You expand your knowledge, And we do alot for charity an example of this is I'm on a committee & put forward an idea for a 240 mile bike ride I couldn't believe the support I had & even from people we never met before we rased £2500, As for the money it might have cost your friend to be master of his lodge I would say a friend of mine is about to become master he doesn't have alot of money & it's not compulsory to become master, I wish I joined sooner

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It's one we got for a customer some time ago, ( he changed his mind)

£25 inc postage, or make an offer.

Is it genuine Tissot? If so... I'd have preferred black, and they only last about a year on my wrist, would you take £20? If not I totally understand and I'll try the Condor Elite route! Cheers...

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Is it genuine Tissot? If so... I'd have preferred black, and they only last about a year on my wrist, would you take £20? If not I totally understand and I'll try the Condor Elite route! Cheers...


Yes it's marked tissot. P.m.me your address will stick it in the post, if you don,t like it just send it back, O.K.?

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