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What would be the going rate for a second hand Silca Lancer Plus in very good condition, I have owned it from new.


I am looking at selling my old one because I had some money to spend and replaced it with a brand new one.


It needs a couple of clamps replaced which I will do to get it in shape for selling.


I'm based in Edinburgh, posting could be an issue because I have disposed of the box and pallet the new one arrived in.


Willing to deliver for petrol money within reason.


I will be ordering the new parts for it next week.





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  • 3 weeks later...

What would be the going rate for a second hand Silca Lancer Plus in very good condition, I have owned it from new.


I am looking at selling my old one because I had some money to spend and replaced it with a brand new one.


It needs a couple of clamps replaced which I will do to get it in shape for selling.


I'm based in Edinburgh, posting could be an issue because I have disposed of the box and pallet the new one arrived in.


Willing to deliver for petrol money within reason.


I will be ordering the new parts for it next week.






To be honest most people would be put off when you say it's in very good condition (if so why replace it).


And once you mention it requires spare parts your not helping the sale at all mine is approx 18 years old and has

only ever needed the handle trigger switch replacing.


Get it fixed, whack up a photo and i bet you will sell it straight away.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Silca will help with parts but you will need to go through the wholesalers, You can use Aldridges, Keyprint, possibly Davenports and SKS as well.


Even Hickleys may be able to help if you have the part numbers you require.


All my orders are passed through Aldridges.

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