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Help wanted, to identify the metal on a trophy nameplate.

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I have a 40 year old trophy that needs a new metal nameplate as the old one is now fully engraved. However the customer requires that the new plate matches the old one and I am having considerable difficulty identifying and sourcing the actual metal, which is neither polished aluminium, stainless steel or plated. 


The metal in question is 0.5 mm thick, non magnetic and silvery grey in colour with a similar reflectiveness and appearance to that of authentic (polished) silver. However it is quite springy when flexed, which makes me think it is not pure silver. Any ideas on what it might be or where to source would be most welcome.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Might be nickel silver,  thickness sounds about right, it is springy and starts as a grained silver grey and polishes to a mirror finish using a standard buffer. 


I use this in preference to solid silver on a lot of trophies and it is much cheaper than silver. and harder wearing.


Can you forward a photo ans size?



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