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SELLING: Robur Press

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  • 3 weeks later...

So sorry about the delay. One of those jobs I just kept never getting round to.


Here they are. The press itself (in red) is almost unused, bought June 2016 and used a handful of times, and the dies are quality old ones and in extremely good used condition.


Offers before I sling it on eBay?





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Stop messing about...


When you suggest Offers then why knock someone making an offer.


If you want £300 say so.


How much is the press and dies new ?.


We all want a bargain when buying and top price when selling.


Also remember the big kick in the bollocks from ebay for selling fees.

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  • 3 weeks later...

£175 phone 01355279357 monday


I've got an offer for £175 already. Chap reckons to have sent the money but it hasn't turned up in my account. He's having another crack at it tonight apparently. If nothing has materialised by tomorrow morning I'll give you a ring. That OK?

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