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Cutting Edge Exhibition

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As a matter of interest, I've just tried to find information about the upcoming Exhibition by Cutting Edge.


Firstly, I couldn't find it easily and had to search using a few different terms, but hey, got there in the end!


Then I found this:




Shockingly out of date and just 8 weeks from the next Exhibition! They didn't even complete the list of the Sandown attendees!  Come on Committee, sharpen up!


Or is there another site somewhere in the ether?

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I thought cutting edge had employed a new secretary part time at one point. I have referred a handful of potential exhibitors over the years to Rachel but now I have no point of contact I have to tell them I don't have contact details.

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This forum is probably the best place to start for details, I just tried searching for cutting edge show, it worked. It is also listed on the facebook page and plenty details in the magazine available in the downloads section


Lee there are 2 new ladies to look after us - we now have Charlene Larke who looks after Cutting Edge matters and Sarah Hall looking after SOMSR matters. The email cut_edge@btinternet.com still works - details are also in the summer magazine as well. 

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Finding the site is just the start Peter, but it's a year out of date, which is my point.  If I were Joe Bloggs repairer and wasn't a member of the Forum it wouldn't help me very much would it.


Maybe keeping the forum more up to date with changes at Cutting Edge and updating the Website might be helpful :-)

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