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Suregrave HD2 Install CD needed

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I have just obtained a second-hand Suregrave 2516i. It came with a HD2 controller and a copy of SuperPro6. Unfortunately it does not have the install CD for the HD2 controller.

Can anyone make me a copy of their Install CD please, and upload it somewhere for me to download?

Thanks in advance.



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Having had a closer look at the control box, I am now unsure if it is actually a HD2 controller . The model number on the identification plate calls it a "HI DRICE 433" - I assume it is a typo that should say HI DRIVE. I had originally assumed it was a HI DRIVE 2 as all the documentation I have is for that model.


It also has no external USB port - just a 9 pin COM port. As it doesn't have a USB connection, I don't need any USB drivers, and therefore perhaps I don't now need the CD.


Anyone have information on the different controller models and how to identify them?





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