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Wanting to upgrade my transponder machine , advise needed what do you use

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Been debating on buying another transponder machine

At the moment I'm using a trs5000evo

I have been waiting for the id48 update ,ad on

& still waiting 🙄

I was intrested in the latest silca machine for programming the id48 chips ,but ended hanging on for the jma ad on

But what are all your views please

Still thinking on the zedfull machine .

The Vag group is the main group what I'm loosing out on .

Iff you are using the zedfull what's the cost in tokens per programming a id48 chip please

Those of you with the silca machine how are you getting on with the internet programming ?

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zed full will not clone id48 mrgamos yet  but has good coverage then mvp pro fills in the gaps, truecode is top tool but does not do vag so you  are left with super vag

and Abrites which I would advise to buy from key print, tag tool is now finished so you need protag to go with it   and is expensive but good , key line was the first and seems to be going the right way. Silca rw4 plus buy again from key print   not from Aldridges or charles birch and both are a nightmare my first order with Aldridges was 10k they shut the account because it was not used for a bit ,so you are then left with Jma which id48 comes out this month .  And last of all handy babe  which is the cheapest also miraclone has been quiet so they might be up to bringing id 48 on board , ad900  and cyclone and tango might so you have a good choice 

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zed full will not clone id48 mrgamos yet but has good coverage then mvp pro fills in the gaps, truecode is top tool but does not do vag so you are left with super vag

and Abrites which I would advise to buy from key print, tag tool is now finished so you need protag to go with it and is expensive but good , key line was the first and seems to be going the right way. Silca rw4 plus buy again from key print not from Aldridges or charles birch and both are a nightmare my first order with Aldridges was 10k they shut the account because it was not used for a bit ,so you are then left with Jma which id48 comes out this month . And last of all handy babe which is the cheapest also miraclone has been quiet so they might be up to bringing id 48 on board , ad900 and cyclone and tango might so you have a good choice

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zed full will  do some there is not one machine that does all ,Abrites is the best for vag but is a load of cash  and you need proper  training with all of this that costs as much as some of the machines .And is ongoing .  cloning is ok but when you come up against a diagnostic key you can not use it . .

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Well i have done 15 x ID48 keys so far, longest took nearly 1 hour and a couple where only a few minutes. I would average the time at approx 20 minutes including snooping of data and cutting the blade.


Chips are a lot cheaper than keyline.


Silca have struggled due to the demand been so great that the machines are coming through in small regular deliveries.

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Been debating on buying another transponder machine

At the moment I'm using a trs5000evo

I have been waiting for the id48 update ,ad on

& still waiting

I was intrested in the latest silca machine for programming the id48 chips ,but ended hanging on for the jma ad on

But what are all your views please

Still thinking on the zedfull machine .

The Vag group is the main group what I'm loosing out on .

Iff you are using the zedfull what's the cost in tokens per programming a id48 chip please

Those of you with the silca machine how are you getting on with the internet programming ?


Good Morning I hope this reply is of help as we offer Keyline / JMA / Silca / MVP and Zedfull so try to give you the best reply 


Keyline was an issue with everthing being copied onto " Battery " style heads, Basically you had to order Keyline keys only for normal and ID48 , but I believe Keyline now has launched a chip so should work with other makes of keys - Not bad for a shop and the first with ID48 


JMA - TRS5000 not a bad machine but always playing catch up - Still waiting for ID48 add on 


Silca - Always seems to be the best working database'd machine, Always does what it says on the tin . When they add a system and say it works, it does work - ID48 so far with Silca have 200 makes and models and they are 100% guaranteed - and in time this list will get bigger and bigger .


MVP pro - the longest running company to have a machine to program keys lost as well as if they have but all via OBD diagnostics Only, so meaning plug into the car to make a new key and / or remote . covers around 80% of all cars on the market, will not cover most BMW / Mercedes and Volvo .   


Zedfull - As a clone machine its a good machine, Sadly the only clone item it can not do is ID48.. BUT when using the OBD function it can do almost if not all ID48 when plugging directly into the car. Basically the Zedfull is the next generation Locksmith and shop machine . Its the most powerful machine you can purchase.

Reason is all its full abilities (But some of them are not just plug and play EG Eeproming)

BMW / Mercedes / Remote recycle / Chip Recycle / Lost keys solution / Cloning / OBD - Diagnostics for around 80% of cars / and then Eeproming for 200 plus types . Good for a shop wanting to do keys - Great for a shop wanting to do remotes - and Excellent tool for a full mobile locksmith wanting as much for the money as possible .   

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