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Have they stopped normal kiwi black now?

I ordered some last week and they sent parade gloss at the lower price!!

I think that's it for kiwi now, time to find something else.

Crap when you can't get your best seller and now have to build another brand with customers.

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I'm done with Kiwi. Bad form leaving customers with no stocks. Forum sponsors cherry blossom are on the march forward in shoe care. I've always liked suppliers where you can get in touch with them easily and cherry blossom are like that.


That was my plan, I ordered some Cherry Blossom colours to replace the missing Kiwi ones as a start but found that they dried out and shrunk very quickly on the shelves due to the poor fitting lids not being as tight as the Kiwi ones.

I don't think I've ever thrown a tin of Kiwi away because of shrinkage let alone a whole batch!!

I think I'll hang on and see if they come through.

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I agree, the tins aren't good. I often receive them with the contents dried out already.

Could be poor stock control in our warehouse meaning that they are stored for months but I wouldn't expect an unopened tin to have issues.

Maybe some sort of better seal which stays in place until opened is needed?

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I think it's due to the design of the opening method of the tins.

With the thumbturn that Kiwi had, the lid could be much tighter, the 'pop top' type opening of the CB tins prevents them from being as well sealed.

This is the only down side to what is otherwise a much better range of polishes.

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I've been told that the only colours avaialbe in 50ml standard Kiwi shoe polish will be Black, neutral & either dark tan or brown (can't remember now)

Parade gloss will be in black, dark tan, mid tan, brown & neutral


I put Cherry Blossom shoe polish in the place of light tan, burgundy and blue and they are all rattling in the tin!


I would drop Kiwi but in a military town I get asked for it all day long.


I don't know what to do at the moment but the polish shelf looks awful with gaps and different makes here and there.

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We did a good order with Cherry Blossom and now I wish we'd saved our money as the colours are more matt than gloss. Don't even get me started on the black (paste and cream) looking more like dark bloody grey.


The Dasco tins are quite good, however.


Shame on Kiwi for putting the big stores' interests over those of us who have supported them and helped them to become as big as they are as a manufacturer.

I say boycott all Kiwi, even if they start to produce the popular stuff again.



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The range of kiwi shoe care products is actually very restricted. But the products they do are easily the most recognised by customers. We been discussing the tins of polish, but nothing sells as well as the kiwi express shine range. I've tried them all Punch, Woly, Cherry and Silver ( stupid brand name) always had to reduce them to clear and restocked with kiwi.

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I have topped my display up today but due to different suppliers swopping and changing there coulour range I now have a mixture of brand names on display. parade gloss,renovating polish & traditional polish with not much kiwi.. certain tins (dasco) have a silver foil on it to preserve the polish but because they are rattling around when they are shook I am having to discount them.

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