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Shoe Repairer Forum

Suregrave machine

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We're being offered a Suregrave machine that cost £5000 new, plus a vinyl cutter and trophies etc. from a local business that no longer does engraving. Not sure what model machine it is yet, he's going to email everything through. 


I gather Suregrave themselves no longer exist and Trotec only appear to do materials, so are we still able to get spares / servicing?


Thanks, Valerie




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Stick to what you know Valerie, no point wasting time trying to learn a new system for which there is no back up or support.

If they are giving it to you for free, pop it on ebay & get rid of it, if not, tell them to do the same!

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give it a miss , i bought one from a member from the forum for 3000. after  year a main board blew up and spent the best part of 1300 trying to get it sorted from a guy called colin archer from newcastle and when i got it back it still didnt work, so avoid them both pay the extra and get a gravo or the other make thats banded about on here that uses the vistool software cant remember the name  

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