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PA5050 drying out?

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Hi guys, having a problem with my 5050 I have it in a mini dispenser and I keep it clean and put the lid back on as soon I'm finished, I store it on its side but it's still drying out and going gooey within a week or so, is there any way to prevent this or is there anything I can add to it to thin it back down like some kind of solvent?



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I never store mine on its side, I just leave the dispenser standing normally, never had a problem. what size it your dispenser? I use the bigger ones, maybe something to do with the size of yours?

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Mine does this as well in a small dispenser.

I don't use it a lot so only half fill it.

Some times standing it on a radiator to warm it a little will thin it enough to use but will quickly thicken again.

Same here!

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